There is a $10 Food Permit (per car) for bringing in food or drink from elsewhere. Food sales are vital to the survival of all drive-ins, since a large portion of our movie ticket revenue goes back to the film companies. Your support is appreciated! Learn more on F.A.Q. Page.

Hear the movie in FM Stereo through your car radio or bring your own boom box. We also offer Radio Rentals at the Express Window of our Concession Facility.
Rental Fee is $4.00, plus Driver's License & $10 "cash only" Security Deposit required.
Announcing our 3rd Annual
Sat JUNE 28th, 2025 at the Elm Road Triple Drive-In!
The ULTIMATE combo of CLASSIC cars/trucks at a CLASSIC drive-in!
Registration from 10:am to 1:00pm (Cars & Vendors)
Show & judging from 1:00 to 4:00pm!
ATTENTION Art/Craft Vendors!...Please email
name/address/phone #/vendor type to info@elmroadtripledrivein.com
by June 20th to pre-register (sorry, no food vendors)!
PLUS...Chinese Auction, 50/50 & music by DJ KEEN GEEN!
This will be a judged show with 33 AWARDS + Best in Show & more!
Dash plaques to the first 100 cars!
FREE admission to the public!
Our Concession, Patio Bar, & large covered patios will be
OPEN for food & drinks!
Always a double feature for one low price! |
Gen Admission |
$12.00 |
3 to 11 yrs |
$7.00 |
Under 3 yrs old |
CASH only, for tickets!
CASH OR CREDIT CARDS in concession. |
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